A unique film festival that surprises, inspires and introduces the audience to the world behind graffiti, street art and murals. In addition to many other impressive films, ARMED with A BRUSH will be shown Saturday February 8 at 3 p.m. Afterwards there will be room for questions.



Best editing
All That Moves Film Festival
São Paulo, Brazil
Best Female Documentary
All That Moves Film Festival
São Paulo, Brazil
Documentary Film
Media Arts Film Festival Awards
Entebbe, Uganda
Best First Time Director February
European Cinematography Awards
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Best Featurette
València, Spain
Best First Time Director
Independent Film Awards
Leeds, England
Best Female Director
L.A. Indies Film Festival
Los Angeles, USA
Awareness Raising
Impact DOCS Awards
La Jolla, USA
Outstanding Excellence
1st Monthly Film Festival
Belgrade, Serbia
First Filmmaker
Documentaries Without Borders International Film Festival
Impact DOCS Awards
La Jolla, USA
First Filmmaker
Puerto Aventuras International Film Festival
Puerto Aventuras,
Debut Filmmaker
Sundarban International
Film Festival
Los Angeles, USA
My 1st Documentary
City Film Festival
Stockholm, Sweden
First Documentary Film
Sweden Film Awards
Drottninggatan, Sweden
First Time Director (Feature)
Monthly Future
of Film Awards
Kej, Macedonie
Best First Time Filmmaker
LA Independent
Women Film Awards
Los Angeles, USA
Best Documentary (feature)
Jaipur, India
selected for the upcoming festivals
Documentaries Without Borders International Film Festival
14 April, 2024
Buenos Aires, Argentina
October, 2024
Toronto Women Film Festival
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
September, 2024
New York City Independent Film Festival
New York, USA
June 2, 2025
Red Movie Awards
Reims, France
May 23, 2025
Austin Lift-Off Film Festival
Austin, Texas
April 1, 2025
ORION International Film Festival
Granite Belt Region, Australia Berlin, Germany
March 29, 2025
Independent Film Awards
Leeds, England
March 28 - 29, 2025
Art Film Awards
Skopje, Macedonia
March 21 – 23, 2025
All that Moves International Film Festival
São Paulo, Brazil
March 15, 2025
Berlin Lift-Off Film Festival
Berlin, Germany
February 17, 2025
Suwon International Film Festiva
Mapo-gu, Seoul
January 19, 2025
Caribbean Sea International Film Festival
Margarita Island, Venezuela
January 19, 2025
International Media Arts Film Awards
Entebbe, Uganda
December 14, 2024
London Lift-Off Film Festival
December 1, 2024
Entre tacos y películas
Ciudad de México, Mexico
November 27, 2024
Amsterdam Movie Fest
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
November 22, 2024
Tokyo International Cinema Awards
Tokyo, Japan
October 31, 2024
Amsterdam Independent Film Festival
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
October 16, 2024
European Cinematography Awards
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
September 30, 2024
Paris Lift-Off Film Festival
Paris, France
September 1, 2024
Piriápolis, Uruguay
October 18, 2024
Berlin Women Cinema Festival
Berlin, Germany
August 27, 2024
Impact Docs Awards
La Jolla, United States
August 13, 2024
San Diego Independent Cinema Awards
San Diego, California, United States
August 8, 2024
Valencia Indie Film Festival
Valencia, Spain
July 26, 2024
L.A. Indies Festival
Los Angeles, USA
July 15, 2024
Sundarban International Film Festival
West Bengal, India
June 30, 2024
Independent Film Awards
Leeds, England
June 26, 2024
2024 ARFF Paris // International Awards
Paris, France
June 20 – 23, 2024
Dumbo Film Festival
New York, USA
June 9, 2024
Barcelona Indie Filmmakers Festival
Barcelona, Spain
May 25, 2024
Madrid Indie Film Festival
Madrid, Spain
May 23, 2024
Stockholm City Film Festival
Stockholm, Sweden
May 19, 2024
Toronto Women Film Festival
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
May 17, 2024
1st Monthly Film Festival
Belgrade, Serbia
May 9 – 10, 2025
Berlin Art Film Festival
Berlin, Germany
May 10, 2024
Sweden Film Awards
Drottninggatan, Sweden
May 5, 2024
Monthly Future
of Film Awards
Ohrid, Kej Makedonija
April 30, 2024
València Indie Film Festival
València, Spain
April 25, 2024
Documentaries Without Borders International Film Festival (DWBFF)
Rehoboth Beach, USA
April 14, 2024
Puerto Aventuras International Film Festival Final
Puerto Aventuras, Mexico
April 4-7, 2024
LA Independent Women Film Awards
Los Angeles, USA
March 28, 2024
Nemad©c Launches South American Street Art Documentary
AMSTERDAM, NL, Oct. 01, 2023 – Nemad©c, an independent film production company based in the Netherlands, proudly announces the launch of ARMED with a BRUSH, a documentary portraying the works and lives of Chilean street art movement Brigada Ramona Parra (BRP).
The BRP originated in 1968 as a propaganda department of the JJCC (Juventudes Comunistas de Chile, Chilean Communist Youth League). As a young group they supported the democratically elected President Salvador Allende.
The early members of the Brigada Ramona Parra (named after a political activist assassinated in Santiago in 1946) painted verbal messages on strategically placed walls of the capital to communicate their views in support of democracy and equality. Their art form evolved into colourful murals depicting symbols of what they have always believed to be basic human rights, while lashing out against totalitarian regimes and social inequalities.
During the Pinochet regime, members of the BRP were captured, tortured, and killed, while others went into exile. Still, BRP members persisted in their belief that the paintbrush was mightier than the sword, that ideas would eventually conquersenseless violence and repression.
Today’s BRP is stronger and more determined than ever to peacefully paint for justice and equality among Chileans. Despite the political lull, the BRP brigadistas remain relentless in their strife for a more equitable democracy in Chile, passingtheir art form and beliefs on to even younger generations, relentlessly, colourfully
depicting the dreams and hopes in the hearts and minds of the Chilean people.

In a series of compelling interviews spanning across three generations and nearly 60 years of muralism, ARMED with a BRUSH explores the origins, motivations, symbolism, and evolution of this unique, bold, relentless pacifist movement in a country still wrought with unsolved social and political issues. This never-ending search for justice and equality among the Chilean people may be best expressed by Chin Chin, a senior brigadista, whose firm belief is that (they) “can change the world”.
About Nèmad@c: Nemad©c is an independent film production company founded by audiovisual editor and director Nèma van Raalte. With over 20 years of experience in editing and directing for the Dutch television industry, Ms. Van Raalte is launching her first documentary, ARMED with a BRUSH.
Don't miss it!
van der Spek
Iquique, Chile
Don't miss it!
Alicia Noemi Salomone
Santiago, Chile
Concepción, Chile
Puerto Aventuras, Mexico
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
premiere in chile


We’re going to Chile because we don’t want to miss this amazing adventure. We’ve spent years on making this documentary.
After a fifteen hours flight, we’re already trying to focus on what we’re here for. Let’s vlog, social media, here we come!

Covered in bright sunlight with it’s beautiful colored houses and the Open Air Street Art Museum (Museo del Cielo Abierto) Valparaíso seems to be the capital of muralism. Could there be a place, more suitable for the presentation of my documentary?

A cool sea breeze through my hair while I walk to the studio for a TV interview. Fifteen minutes live on air, wow!
On my way to another interview. This time on radio. Local media are on it, they report about tonights presentation in Concepcion! After that, straight through to show, where we meet the fourth generation of Brigadistas.

Valdivia is in the South of Chile. In Santiago often praised for it’s beauty and famous for it’s crafted beer.
It’s a six hours drive by bus, a beautiful way to see some countryside.
The typical Chilian way:
Only 1,5 hours drive from Concepcíon, comfortably close-by. We departed one hour late, typical Chilean. As was the lovely lunch at Juanita, true Chilean food. Very beautiful wallpaintings, covering the city. We meet in a historical building transformed into a museum where the documentary will be shown at 18:00h. No sign of any technician or equipment and it’s already 17:20h. After 50 minutes of stress and running around, the show has been canceled and postponed. Probably it will be shown in March 2024.

Opening night of ‘ARMED with A BRUSH’ in the Auditorium of the
Museum of Memory and Human Rights. The premiere was very special. After the viewing there was time for a Q&A-session, the opportunity for the audience to directly ask questions to the director.
Not all the main characters were there. Due to physical circumstances our old friend Chin Chin was not able to join us at the auditorium of MMDH.
When we left the building, we got a call. Chin Chin had just passed away. Our thoughts are with Chin Chin’s family, loved ones and friends and with all the people who carry this special person in their hearts.
“We will paint untill we reach heaven” Chin Chin
Enclosed by the Pacific Ocean and the Atacama desert, this once cosmopolitan city in the North is our next stop. It’s main street has the looks and feel of a town in an Western movie. What a place this is…
After a warm welcome by the local government officials it was time for the launch of our docu.
Great responses from the audience. A variety of victims of the dictatorship, their children and students all complimented us, for different reasons, on the documentary.
An invitation for a radio interview with Carla Bruna at ‘UNAP’ is the topping on the cake.
The original plan was to go to Antofagasta, the capital of the Atacama desert. It would be an eight hour busdrive from Iquique. But due to changes in the scedule, we couldn’t be there in time for the show. But AntofaCine díd show our film twice.
Completely excausted after a show and a Q&A, back on our way to Concepcíon. While we’re staying over in Concepción, the documentary is shown twice more this week in Teatro Condell in Valparaíso.
The typical Chilian way:
With five days left to finish all our work.
We end up what we’re doing most. Filming.
Patrico Albornoz, one of the main characters in the documentary, told us years ago why he thought this work so important. “If I can open the eyes of a child, even if it is just one, this work is worth doing.”
I couldn’t agree more…
Patricio (Ecos), Benjamin Benjamín, Felipe Smides, and Carvajal Delgadillo painted together with boys and girls from the Uruguay school, a basic school located in the commune of Santiago. This is part of the Muralism project, ‘Refreshing Santa Isabel Avenue’.

We’re going to Chile because we don’t want to miss this amazing adventure. We’ve spent years on making this documentary.
After a fifteen hours flight, we’re already trying to focus on what we’re here for. Let’s vlog, social media, here we come!

Opening night of ‘ARMED with A BRUSH’ in the Auditorium of the
Museum of Memory and Human Rights. The premiere was very special. After the viewing there was time for a Q&A-session, the opportunity for the audience to directly ask questions to the director.
Not all the main characters were there. Due to physical circumstances our old friend Chin Chin was not able to join us at the auditorium of MMDH.
When we left the building, we got a call. Chin Chin had just passed away. Our thoughts are with Chin Chin’s family, loved ones and friends and with all the people who carry this special person in their hearts.
“We will paint untill we reach heaven” Chin Chin

Covered in bright sunlight with it’s beautiful colored houses and the Open Air Street Art Museum (Museo del Cielo Abierto) Valparaíso seems to be the capital of muralism. Could there be a place, more suitable for the presentation of my documentary?
Enclosed by the Pacific Ocean and the Atacama desert, this once cosmopolitan city in the North is our next stop. It’s main street has the looks and feel of a town in an Western movie. What a place this is…
After a warm welcome by the local government officials it was time for the launch of our docu.
Great responses from the audience. A variety of victims of the dictatorship, their children and students all complimented us, for different reasons, on the documentary.
An invitation for a radio interview with Carla Bruna at ‘UNAP’ is the topping on the cake.

A cool sea breeze through my hair while I walk to the studio for a TV interview. Fifteen minutes live on air, wow!
On my way to another interview. This time on radio. Local media are on it, they report about tonights presentation in Concepcion! After that, straight through to show, where we meet the fourth generation of Brigadistas.
The original plan was to go to Antofagasta, the capital of the Atacama desert. It would be an eight hour busdrive from Iquique. But due to changes in the scedule, we couldn’t be there in time for the show. But AntofaCine díd show our film twice.

Valdivia is in the South of Chile. In Santiago often praised for it’s beauty and famous for it’s crafted beer.
It’s a six hours drive by bus, a beautiful way to see some countryside.
Completely excausted after a show and a Q&A, back on our way to Concepcíon. While we’re staying over in Concepción, the documentary is shown twice more this week in Teatro Condell in Valparaíso.
The typical Chilian way:
Only 1,5 hours drive from Concepcíon, comfortably close-by. We departed one hour late, typical Chilean. As was the lovely lunch at Juanita, true Chilean food. Very beautiful wallpaintings, covering the city. We meet in a historical building transformed into a museum where the documentary will be shown at 18:00h. No sign of any technician or equipment and it’s already 17:20h. After 50 minutes of stress and running around, the show has been canceled and postponed. Probably it will be shown in March 2024.

The typical Chilian way:
With five days left to finish all our work.
We end up what we’re doing most. Filming.
Patrico Albornoz, one of the main characters in the documentary, told us years ago why he thought this work so important. “If I can open the eyes of a child, even if it is just one, this work is worth doing.”
I couldn’t agree more…
Patricio (Ecos), Benjamin Benjamín, Felipe Smides, and Carvajal Delgadillo painted together with boys and girls from the Uruguay school, a basic school located in the commune of Santiago. This is part of the Muralism project, ‘Refreshing Santa Isabel Avenue’.

Nemad©c Launches South American Street Art Documentary
AMSTERDAM, NL, Oct. 01, 2023 – Nemad©c, an independent film production company based in the Netherlands, proudly announces the launch of ARMED with a BRUSH, a documentary portraying the works and lives of Chilean street art movement Brigada Ramona Parra (BRP).
The BRP originated in 1968 as a propaganda department of the JJCC (Juventudes Comunistas de Chile, Chilean Communist Youth League). As a young group they supported the democratically elected President Salvador Allende.
The early members of the Brigada Ramona Parra (named after a political activist assassinated in Santiago in 1946) painted verbal messages on strategically placed walls of the capital to communicate their views in support of democracy and equality. Their art form evolved into colourful murals depicting symbols of what they have always believed to be basic human rights, while lashing out against totalitarian regimes and social inequalities.
During the Pinochet regime, members of the BRP were captured, tortured, and killed, while others went into exile. Still, BRP members persisted in their belief that the paintbrush was mightier than the sword, that ideas would eventually conquer senseless violence and repression.
Today’s BRP is stronger and more determined than ever to peacefully paint for justice and equality among Chileans. Despite the political lull, the BRP brigadistas remain relentless in their strife for a more equitable democracy in Chile, passing their art form and beliefs on to even younger generations, relentlessly, colourfully depicting the dreams and hopes in the hearts and minds of the Chilean people.

In a series of compelling interviews spanning across three generations and nearly 60 years of muralism, ARMED with a BRUSH explores the origins, motivations, symbolism, and evolution of this unique, bold, relentless pacifist movement in a country still wrought with unsolved social and political issues. This never-ending search for justice and equality among the Chilean people may be best expressed by Chin Chin, a senior brigadista, whose firm belief is that (they) “can change the world”.
About Nèmad@c: Nemad©c is an independent film production company founded by audiovisual editor and director Nèma van Raalte. With over 20 years of experience in editing and directing for the Dutch television industry, Ms. Van Raalte is launching her first documentary, ARMED with a BRUSH.
Nemad©c Launches South American Street Art Documentary
AMSTERDAM, NL, Oct. 01, 2023 – Nemad©c, an independent film production company based in the Netherlands, proudly announces the launch of ARMED with a BRUSH, a documentary portraying the works and lives of Chilean street art movement Brigada Ramona Parra (BRP).
The BRP originated in 1968 as a propaganda department of the JJCC (Juventudes Comunistas de Chile, Chilean Communist Youth League). As a young group they supported the democratically elected President Salvador Allende.
The early members of the Brigada Ramona Parra (named after a political activist assassinated in Santiago in 1946) painted verbal messages on strategically placed walls of the capital to communicate their views in support of democracy and equality. Their art form evolved into colourful murals depicting symbols of what they have always believed to be basic human rights, while lashing out against totalitarian regimes and social inequalities.
During the Pinochet regime, members of the BRP were captured, tortured, and killed, while others went into exile. Still, BRP members persisted in their belief that the paintbrush was mightier than the sword, that ideas would eventually conquer senseless violence and repression.
Today’s BRP is stronger and more determined than ever to peacefully paint for justice and equality among Chileans. Despite the political lull, the BRP brigadistas remain relentless in their strife for a more equitable democracy in Chile, passing their art form and beliefs on to even younger generations, relentlessly, colourfully depicting the dreams and hopes in the hearts and minds of the Chilean people.

In a series of compelling interviews spanning across three generations and nearly 60 years of muralism, ARMED with a BRUSH explores the origins, motivations, symbolism, and evolution of this unique, bold, relentless pacifist movement in a country still wrought with unsolved social and political issues. This never-ending search for justice and equality among the Chilean people may be best expressed by Chin Chin, a senior brigadista, whose firm belief is that (they) “can change the world”.
About Nèmad@c: Nemad©c is an independent film production company founded by audiovisual editor and director Nèma van Raalte. With over 20 years of experience in editing and directing for the Dutch television industry, Ms. Van Raalte is launching her first documentary, ARMED with a BRUSH.

When I was young I dreamt of becoming a Medical doctor. But at the end the love for arts was bigger than the interest in medical science. After graduating Visual Arts at The Maastricht Academy of Fine Arts I started working as an editor for television productions.
In 2009 I decided, after a permanent contract for years, to continue as a freelance editor. I loved it, I had time to explore new ideas and time to develop. As much as I like editing, I also wanted to become a director.
I dreamt of making documentaries, telling stories that matter.
In Belgium at an open-air art exhibition, I found myself in a tunnel filled with a mural. Bright colours combined in one painting, telling a story which was easy to comprehend.
If the pen is mightier than the sword, imagine how powerful a paintbrush can be …
When I was young I dreamt of becoming a Medical doctor. But at the end the love for arts was bigger than the interest in medical science. After graduating Visual Arts at The Maastricht Academy of Fine Arts I started working as an editor for television productions.
In 2009 I decided, after a permanent contract for years, to continue as a freelance editor. I loved it, I had time to explore new ideas and time to develop. As much as I like editing, I also wanted to become a director.
I dreamt of making documentaries, telling stories that matter.
In Belgium at an open-air art exhibition, I found myself in a tunnel filled with a mural. Bright colours combined in one painting, telling a story which was easy to comprehend.
If the pen is mightier than the sword, imagine how powerful a paintbrush can be …

2023: Schoolclass learns to paint
2023: On the way back
On our way to Valdivia
Interview on Canal 9
2023: Concepcíon
In memoriam Chin Chin
2023: Behind the scenes
On our way to Chile
2018: Sea for Bolivia
filming in The Hague
2013: Backstage
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Becoming a streetartist
Do it yourself, kid
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